How to Master Corporate Event Video Production

Glenn Student


June 4, 2024


53% of marketers believe that video is great for building awareness and reaching large audiences. This is no surprise as videos have become one of the most enjoyed mediums for consumers.

If you have an event coming up, you’ll want to capture the essence of your success through video. Corporate event video production can help you build your brand and attract more people to your future events.

Keep reading to learn how to master corporate event video production.

Defining Corporate Event Videos

Corporate event videos are powerful tools for your company. A videographer will document your occasion to sell the event before it happens or highlight parts of the event after it occurs.

Corporate event video production is a great way to attract an interested audience to events in the future. Videos serve as a recap of the highlights so consumers will know what they can look forward to at the next event.

A corporate video is more than a business strategy to gain a wider audience. These assets can act as marketing tools to boost your brand and get your name out there.

What Should a Corporate Video Include?

If you hire a corporate event video production company, they will include key points from the event. To get the most out of your video, the focus should be on:

  • Guest speakers
  • Employee interactions
  • Testimonials
  • New products or services

Make the video more pleasing by capturing the venue, decorative features, and the overall atmosphere of the location.

Guest Speakers

Guest speakers are a priority for your video recording. You’ll want to visualize the emotion of the speaker, as well as record sound bites. A professional video production company will know how to capture the best sound.

Filming guest speakers can capture more content for your video and inspire a wider audience to attend your events in the future.

Employee Interactions

A great event is a chance for businesses to network. If your company is using the event to create more interactions between employees, include these meetings in your event video.

If any VIPs are attending the event, consider capturing their arrival. Key sponsors should always be included in a trade show video.

Pro tip: When your video is complete, send it out to key contributors of the event so that they can market future events to their audience as well.


Guest testimonials are impactful additions to a video, especially one used for marketing.

For these interviews, it’s important to find a quiet area at the venue to ensure the best sound. Ask if guests are willing to leave sound bites if they prefer not to be on video.

New Products or Services

Many businesses use an event as a space to launch new products or services. An event video that showcases the launch of these products or services can generate consumer excitement.

For this type of event, the video needs to highlight the benefits of what’s new. It’s important to have an expert from your company explain the products or services with a complete walkthrough of how they work.

You can create a product or service video in advance and have it playing at the event as well.

Corporate Event Video Production Best Practices

Getting the highest quality footage for your event video isn’t always so easy. It’s important to hire a professional crew to help you out. From there, you can work together to implement these production tips and bring your vision to life:

Discuss Your Goals

For your video recording to be a success, you and the production company must be on the same page. Regardless of the type of video you want, discussing your goals is always the first step.

Start by finalizing your main message and the audience you want to send the message to. With a clear understanding of these little components, planning and executing your video will be a much more efficient process.

Create a Schedule

Every great event follows a schedule. Create a solid schedule and be sure to follow it on the day of the action. Your production team should have access to this schedule so that they will know what they should be filming at any given moment.

The more organized you are, the better the video will come out. If you have preferences on what kind of footage you want to be captured, you can leave notes with the production company as you focus on your event.

Hire an Editor

Post-production is as important as the process of making your corporate event video. Once you have your footage, you’ll want it to run together seamlessly to bring your video to life.

A clunky and confusing video is not going to attract the audience you want. Hiring a talented editor to put clips together based on your vision will make the video look professional.

When you work with Emerald Motion Pictures, you don’t have to hire an editor. Our video services include post-production to compile the best takes from the event.

Video Distribution

Your video is done, now what? Most businesses forget the importance of a video distribution strategy. To show your content to the right audience, you need a plan.

You can incorporate your video across different channels and platforms to maximize your reach.

Many social media platforms are made for videos, but they aren’t the only tools you can use. Website placement and on-site displays are great options for showing off your new corporate video.

Collaborate with your marketing team on the latest video trends to add the most value to distribution.

Let’s Work Together to Create Corporate Videos

Mastering corporate event video production involves working with a professional team. While our production crew handles the video aspects, you can focus on other areas of your event to make it a success.

Glenn Student of Emerald Motion Pictures has decades of industry experience collaborating with Academy Aware-winning talents and legendary filmmakers.

With a reputation as a leader in the corporate video world, Glenn and his team consistently produce creative works of art that benefit businesses.

Ready to get started? Let’s talk corporate video production today!