Corporate Video That Resonates With Your Audience

With production teams nationwide and Europe, our video production company provides you with a significant edge.

Our extensive network of video professionals possess a wealth of video production knowledge, enabling us to offer a diverse range of services. Our filming capabilities span from individual interviews to comprehensive video production for large-scale events.

Corporate videos are a dynamic medium that can breathe life into what is often considered a dull environment. We can elevate your traditional marketing with exceptionally well-crafted visual storytelling. 

Reach Out to Tell Us More About Your Corporate Video Idea

Have an upcoming event you want recorded? Need video content for a new product launch or brand announcement? Emerald Motion Pictures can help! Contact us to learn more about our video offerings and to tell us a bit more about what you have in mind. We look forward to bringing your vision to life.

Take your campaigns to the next level with a professional corporate marketing video. A high-quality corporate video acts as a 24/7 PR tool that can drive a serious return on investment. In today’s digital age, videos are the most engaging type of content and can drive home your message in a concise format. People prefer video content, so why not invest in professional video production to create something compelling?

Whether you are looking for a brand video to launch your company into the stratosphere or need something more specific about a new product, service, or upcoming event, Emerald Motion Pictures will craft something truly representative of your company.

Types of Corporate Videos We Offer

Benefits of Corporate Video Production

Enhanced Brand Awareness

Creating engaging videos helps increase your brand’s visibility in the market and across all digital platforms. This supports brand recognition and expands your target audience’s reach.

Increased Engagement

Videos are, by far, the most engaging type of content out there. Think about how many videos you see a day scrolling through your phone Viewers are more inclined to watch a video than read an article, product manual, or some other form of content. Videos lead to higher engagement rates and a better ROI. 

Establishing Trust and Credibility

Authentic video content, whether through storytelling or testimonials, resonates better with consumers. This establishes trust and humanizes your brand. Better trust and credibility influence purchasing decisions and can lead to more brand loyalty over time. 


There are so many options for how to present your video. Our crew has experience working in all kinds of visual mediums and production types. We can create something truly unique that helps your brand stand out from the competition. 


Video content is evergreen, meaning it can be adapted for multiple purposes over time and sustain its relevance in regards to your products and services. 

How Our Corporate Video Process Works

Step One: Contact Us

Reach out to Emerald Motion Pictures to speak with our team about your corporate video goals. We can learn more about your vision and determine how best to approach the project given the circumstances. 

Step Two: Preproduction and Planning

The best way to set up a high-quality video is by leveraging thorough prep-work and planning. We do a lot of work up front to make sure production goes smoothly. This also helps cover all bases and ensure we don’t miss anything.

Step Three: Production Day

Our crew works on a tight schedule to maximize the time available. We pre-plan all our shots, interviews, and other visual elements we need to capture. We will also secure additional B-roll footage to help with editing purposes. 

Step Four: Postproduction

The editing process allows us to construct a visual narrative focusing on the key themes established in the pre-production phase. We can add voiceovers, music, effects, and other elements to bring the video together. We will send it over for review and approval once it is completed. 

Step Five: Final Cut

We can send over your preferred file format once we get final approval. Please contact us directly if any changes are needed after the final cut. 

Transcend Corporate Marketing With High Quality Corporate Video Content

Contact us for all your Las Vegas corporate video needs! We are familiar with most locations on and off the strip and know how to capture these locations in their best light. We look forward to bringing your vision to life. Reach out to tell us more about the project, and we will begin the planning process. 

Unlock the most of your brand’s essence, values, and deliverables with high-quality video content that will stand the test of time. Our creativity, combined with your products and services, creates a recipe for success. 

Other Video Production Services

At Emerald Motion Pictures, we offer a wide range of services suitable for almost every industry, always prioritizing customer satisfaction.

Our filming approach involves using the latest and most advanced equipment, adhering to the industry’s current filmmaking standards. Additionally, we meticulously brief our crews on your project, ensuring that you receive the finest service possible.